The Lake Christopher Garden Club meets the first Monday of every month (unless it falls on a Holiday) from Sept - June and is open to all residents of our neighborhood.
Meeting programs include Expert Speakers with gardening advice and fun social events. Proceeds from special events go back into the community for Community Projects including Tree Plantings in the
parks and at the main entrances, plus sponsoring of the Spring and Fall Yard Sales with Newspaper Advertising and signs at the entrances promoting the Neighborhood Sale.
If you would like more information about the Garden Club please call Sharon White, Communications Chairperson at 286-9375.
The Lake Christopher Garden Club Facebook Page is a private forum for active members of The Club.
The Garden Club recognizes "Yard of the Month" winners from mid April through mid September, and "Holiday Decoration Contest" winners in October and December.
Yard of the Month Judging Guidelines are as follows:
1. Compliance with Architectual guidelines of the LCHA
ex. Trash cans out of sight
2. Creativity and balance in landscape and design.
ex. Use of color or greenscapes, Use of hardscapes, ie. pavers, rocks, fountains.
3. Neat, well groomed appearance.
ex. Trimmed trees and shrubs, Weed free flowerbeds and pavements.
4. Curb areas free of debris.
Judging will commence mid April through mid September to pick Yard of the Month and a runner up (Honorable Mention).
For example, the winners picked in the April judging will display the sign through the month of May. Names and addresses of the winners will be published in the Lake Christopher Legacy
newsletter with the winners' permission.
visitors since May 29, 2019 | updated May 29, 2019
Please email the webmaster if you have any comments or suggestions for the site.