1. Lake Christopher Parks are for the exclusive use of Lake Christopher homeowners, renters, and their accompanied guests. No more than 4 guests per accompanying resident (maximum of 8 per home) are permitted, unless prior approval is obtained from the Park Staff Committee Chair.
2. All users of the parks are responsible for their own safety and are fully responsible for their own actions and consequences thereof. All facilities and
equipment are to be used "AT YOUR OWN RISK".
3. The use of all playground equipment is restricted to children 12 years old and under.
4. Children under 10 years old must be directly supervised by a resident at least 12 years old.
5. Residents under 18 years old must be accompanied by a Legal Guardian between 8:00 P.M. and 8:00 A.M.
6. No alcoholic beverages are permitted, unless advance written approval is obtained from the Park Security Committee Chair.
7. No glass containers of any type are permitted.
8. Persons using the facilities shall remove or properly dispose of their trash.
9. The feeding of waterfowl and other wildlife in any park or in the lake is prohibited.
10. No pets of any kind are allowed at any time. (This line item revised to allow Dogs at Christopher Beach with restrictions - consult Specific Regulations for Dogs below)
11. No open fires are permitted unless advance written approval is given by the Parks Staff Chair.
12. After sunset, all parks are closed to people under age 18, except under the direct supervision and responsibility of a resident at least age 18.
13. Everyone using the parks shall conduct themselves civilly, so as not to infringe on or disrupt others.
14. No motorized vehicles are allowed in any park except on the paved area. All vehicles shall be operated in a safe and civil manner so as to avoid any injury to anyone and to avoid any damage to property.
15. Inappropriate or dangerous behavior, or not adhering to these rules, may result in the use of all the parks being revoked.
1. Boats, sailboards and other watercraft shall be launched and removed from the lake parks only at the ramps provided.
2. There is a 72 hour limit on mooring of watercraft at the Common Areas; the boat is to be properly secured to include, but not limited to, requiring that all sails be taken down and furled or removed while the boat is left unattended. In no case will a boat be left overnight at a common area park with its sails hoisted. Failure to comply will result in the boat owner being asked to remove the boat or the boat may be removed, without notice by the association, from the park at the owners’ expense.
3. Anchoring (vice permanent mooring at a permanent mooring) in the lake of any unattended boat is prohibited at any time. Failure to comply will result in the boat being removed from the lake at the owners’ expense. For the sake of this rule, anchoring is defined as using a temporary bottom holding device to hold a boat in position. Mooring is defined as using a permanently installed fixed mooring system of sufficient weight and strength needed to keep a boat in a fixed position during storm conditions with wind speeds in excess of 60 knots.
4. The Board has designated the safe areas for mooring. To install or use any mooring in the common Lake area, the homeowner must first apply to the Board. If all requirements for mooring construction, liability, etc. are met and there is appropriate space, the Board may grant approval for placement and use of the mooring.
5. Only electric motors rated no higher than 45 lbs. thrust are permitted.
NOTE: These rules apply at Christopher Beach. Pets are not allowed at the other parks.
Lake Christopher residents’ dogs shall be permitted in Christopher Beach park under the following conditions:
1. Dogs must be leashed (except when in the water), and under the Owner’s control at all times.
2. A limit of two (2) dogs per lot shall be permitted at any time.
3. Dogs shall be permitted within the park from 8:00 a.m. to dusk.
4. Owners are responsible for proper disposal of all dog waste.
5. Owners must adhere to Virginia Beach City Ordinances, as well as State and Federal Laws, that pertain to pets.
4VAC15-40-286. Unauthorized Feeding of Wildlife.
It shall be unlawful for any person as defined in § 1-230 of the Code of Virginia to place, distribute, or allow the placement of food, minerals, carrion, trash, or similar substances when it attracts any species of wildlife in such numbers or circumstances to cause property damage, endanger any person or wildlife, or create a public health concern. Upon notification by department personnel, any such person shall be in violation of this section if the placing, distribution, or presence of such food, minerals, carrion, trash, or similar substances continues. This section shall not be construed to restrict bona fide agronomic plantings (including wildlife food plots), bona fide distribution of food to livestock, or wildlife management activities conducted or authorized by the department or U.S. government agencies with wildlife management responsibilities.
Statutory Authority
visitors since 29 Mar 2020 | updated 13 Apr 2021
Mon, Feb 17, 2025 LCHA Board Meeting
Tues, Mar 4, 2025 Annual Meeting (rescheduled from Feb 4)
Mon, Apr 21, 2025 LCHA Board Meeting
Sat, May 3, 2025 Spring Community Yard Sale
Mon, May 19, 2025 LCHA Board Meeting
Mon, Jun 16, 2025 LCHA Board Meeting
Fri, Jul 4, 2025 July 4th Picnic
Mon, Jul 21, 2025 LCHA Board Meeting
Tues, Aug 5, 2025 National Night Out
Mon, Aug 18, 2025 LCHA Board Meeting
Mon, Sept 15, 2025 LCHA Board Meeting
Sat, Oct 4, 2025 Fall Community Yard Sale
Mon, Oct 20, 2025 LCHA Board Meeting
Mon, Nov 17, 2025 LCHA Board Meeting
Mon, Dec 15, 2025 LCHA Board Meeting
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